A glimpse into our new Story-Collection

A glimpse into our new Story-Collection

Our new Story-Collection is already under way. We cannot disclose much about it, but it has passed the embryo phase, and the final selected pieces have already been fine tuned and tested. We are happy with the results achieved - we believe the fitting is perfect, the colour palette is inspiring and the touch is as soft and soothing as ever. Most of all, we see it as a cohesive collection, with a well thought story behind it. We can't wait to present it to you!

But before that, before coming out next Autumn, we have to present it to our retail partners. For that, we have prepared a beautiful lookbook, with photos from a campaign shot last December in one of our favourite locations, and printed in a soft and texturized paper, in earthy tones that convey our story-collection message and aesthetics, and filled with small details such as the dry flowers (it is a hint for what how story-collection is about). 

We have already been shipping these away to our retail partners, and it is heart-warming to hear their positive feedback, to know that the hard work silently done away from the spotlight during the last one and a half years, starting with the choice of the concept, materials and colours, through the designing of the pieces and finally to have them produced, is finally paying off. We can't wait to show you more! Stay tuned!

Photos: Francis Stories
